The journal devoted to the systematics, faunistics and ecology of beetles has been published semi-annually since 2001 by the University of Daugavpils (Latvia) and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland). The basic version is printed, but the magazine's website also includes electronic PDF versions of currently published issues, to which access is unlimited and free of charge. All copyrights remain with the authors.


Baltic Journal of Coleopterology
ISSN: 1407-8619 (print)

Indexed in:
BIOSIS Citation Index(2010-); Zoological Record(2001-); Scopus(2003-); PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa

SCOPUS: 2023 SJR = 0.516;

MEiN Poland: 40 pt

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Tom 24 Nr 2 (2024)

Opublikowane: 2024-12-27

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