Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Ossa massif, Greece

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Jan Tatur-Dytkowski
Lech Kruszelnicki
Paweł Górski
Athanasios Mpamnaras

Keywords : Mount Ossa, Eastern Thessaly, Larissa, long-horned beetles, faunistics, distribution.

The paper presents and summarizes data on the distribution of longhorn beetles on Mount Ossa in Eastern Thessaly, Greece. Observations are the result of numerous expeditions carried out within years 1999-2024 with various intensity. The paper comprises data on 158 species which reflects 33% of Greek Cerambycidae fauna including subspecies. In-depth literature review was conducted and published data was herein included. Remarks on interesting and rare species are provided with detailed collecting data. Habitus of selected species is presented. 126 taxons are recorded for the massif of Ossa for the first time. The total number of recorded long-horned beetle species indicates the high degree of ecological and environmental preservation of Mount Ossa.

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Author Biographies

Jan Tatur-Dytkowski, Żonkilowa 28, 05-830 Urzut

Żonkilowa 28, 05-830 Urzut

Lech Kruszelnicki, Władysława Jagiełły 7c/45,41-106 Siemianowice Śląskie

Władysława Jagiełły 7c/45,41-106 Siemianowice Śląskie

Paweł Górski, Zakład Parazytologii i Inwazjologii, Katedra Nauk Przedklinicznych, Instytut Medycyny Weterynaryjnej, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa

Zakład Parazytologii i Inwazjologii, Katedra Nauk Przedklinicznych, Instytut Medycyny Weterynaryjnej, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa

Athanasios Mpamnaras, Laboratory of Plant Health Management, Department of Agrotechnology, University of Thessaly, Geopolis, 41500 Larissa, Greece

Laboratory of Plant Health Management, Department of Agrotechnology, University of Thessaly, Geopolis, 41500 Larissa, Greece


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