New and little-known Lepturinae from succinite (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)

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Francesco Vitali


The article shows the results of the examination of some cerambycids preserved in Baltic and Rovno amber. Vadoniocorymbia n. subgen. is proposed for Paracorymbia antiqua Vitali, 2005, which differs from all congeners of the Recent in the convex under margin of the eyes (concave in the extant species). A female specimen of Pedostrangalia (s. str.) pristina Vitali, 2014 is examined, allowing emending the original description regarding pattern and elytral shape. Pedostrangalia (s. str.) ostensackeni n. sp. is described from Baltic amber. Two new species are described from Rovno amber are described: Pedostrangalia (s. str.) rovnensis n. sp. and Anoplodera volyniensis n. sp. Differential characters with fossil and extant species are provided.

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