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Sprawdzenie tekstu przed wysłaniem

Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych mogą zostać odrzucone.
  • Zgłoszenie nie było jeszcze publikowane, ani nie zostało wysłane do innego czasopisma (lub odpowiednie wyjaśnienie zostało zawarte w sekcji komentarzy dla redaktora).
  • Plik zgłoszenia zapisane jest w formacie zapisu OpenOffice, Microsoft Word lub RTF.
  • Jeżeli są dostępne, dostarczono URL odnośników.
  • Tekst jest zapisany pojedynczymi spacjami, czcionką 12 punktów, zawiera kursywę zamiast podkreślników (wyjąwszy adresy URL); ilustracje, wykresy i tabele zostały wklejone we właściwe miejsca.
  • Tekst przestrzega wymogów stylistycznych i bibliograficznych wyznaczonych we Wskazówkach dla autora.

The "Baltic Journal of Coleopterology" publishes original papers on all aspects of beetle (Coleoptera) research, particularly focusing on the questions related to the fauna, distribution, taxonomy, ecology, biology, and conservation of beetles in the Baltic region.

The "Baltic Journal of Coleopterology" will accept full papers (up to 30 pages of A4 format) and short reports (up to 6 pages of A4 format), papers on research methodology (up to 6 pages of A4 format), bibliography reviews (up to 6 pages of A4 format), papers on didactics (up to 6 pages of A4 format), as well as other materials reflecting the study of beetles. If the material to be published exceeded the above volumes, the authors are requested to previously contact the Editor.

Priority will be given to articles on taxonomy and description of new species.

Faunistic papers should include important information about the distribution of the studied species or those newly detected. The authors are kindly requested to respect and follow the recommendations and requirements of "The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature" (1985). New taxa described in the material to be published must be represented and accessible in a collection.

All submitted articles need to be written in English and sent by e-mail to the Editor. In case of poor English of the submitted article the authors will have to pay for linguistic revision. Every article, picture, or table should be sent as a separate file.

Format requirements: MS Word, font: Times New Roman, 10, line spacing: single (1). Blank line between paragraphs, no first-line indent.

All papers submitted are reviewed by at least two anonymous experts, after which they are sent to the authors for proof-reading. Papers which are written in inadequate English, containing out-dated or irrelevant information, or failed to meet the notes for authors are not accepted for publication.

Recommended check list for writing a paper: Title, author's full name(s), abstract (not more than 300 words), key words (not exceeding the length of a line), full address, including an e-mail address, manuscript text. It is recommended to divide the body of the text into the following chapters: Introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, references.


In the text, quotations should follow one of the models below: A. Barsevskis (1999); (Barsevskis 1999); (International ... 1985); (Telnov & Kovalevsky 1996); (Telnov et al. 1997). All sources referred to in the text must be included in the References section in alphabetical order of the first author's surname or of the title (the first, second, third, etc. letter in the title).

Sample references:

Barsevskis A., Savenkovs N. 1992. Jaunas un mazpazistamas vabolu sugas Latvijas fauna (New and rare species of beetles in fauna of Latvia). Daba un muzejs. 4: 17-29. (In Latvian; abstract in English).

Lawrence J.F., Newton A.F. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). In: Pakaluk.J., Slipinski S.A. (eds.): Biology. Phylogeny. and Classification of Coleoptera. Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Vol. 2. Warszawa. pp. 779-1006.

Telnov D., Barsevskis A., Savich F., Kovalevsky F., Berdnikov S., Doronin M., Cibulskis R., Ratniece D. 1997. Check List of Latvian Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera). Mitt. Intemat. Entomol. Ver., Frankfurt a. M., Supple. Vol.: 1-40.

Subtitles in the paper should be separated by two intervals from the previous text and by one interval from following text. They should not be numbered or marked in any other way. Sentence case must be used.

Scientific names of species and genera are written in italics both in the text and in the title, whereas in the Reference section, normal characters must be used.

Names of authors and the year of taxa description should be written in sentence case everywhere in the text. Abbreviations which are not commonly known must be explained. The scientific name of a species or genus must be followed by the full name of its author and the year of its description, e.g.: Notiophilus aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) or Noliophilus germinyi Fauvel, 1863.

Contributors to the journal get a free copy of the issue containing their publication. The Publisher does send out reprints.