The author of the manuscript should also fill in the anti-ghostwriting declaration, and supply relevant information of the authors and co-authors such as their affiliation, the author responsible for the paper's concept, initial hypotheses, methods, and research protocols. The author mainly responsible for the work (corresponding author) must be indicated in the manuscript.
Both ghostwriting and guest authorship are negative phenomena in the context of scientific standards and as such they will be denounced, including the authors' institutions, employers, and other public bodies involved. A ghostwriter is a person who significantly contributed to the publication but was not mentioned as a co-author or in the acknowledgements. Guest authorship is given when an author/co-author contributed little or nothing to the paper. Seriousness in science is one of its most important quality characteristics. The readers should be convinced that authors in a transparent, honest, and solid way present the output of their work, regardless if they are single authors or if they had help by a specialized person - either a physical person or a legal person. Proof of the ethical attitude of a research worker and highest editorial standards require transparency and full comprehensiveness of the persons that have contributed to the publication (i.e. scientific, financial, and other forms of contribution). Such ethical attitude is not only the emanation of good manners but also - responsibility.