The occurrence and species richnes of nicrophagous Silphidae (Coleoptera) in wooded areas in different degree of urbanization

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Karolina Konieczna
Zbigniew Czerniakowski
Paweł Wolański

Keywords : carrion beetles, trees, scale of urbanization
This study on the fauna of carrion beetles (Col., Silphidae) was conducted in various wooded areas located in Subcarpathian Voivodeship (south-eastern Poland). It covered habitats differing in anthropogenic pressure and the degree of urbanization. Wooded grounds in less urbanized rural areas were located in the Borek Stary (mid-field tree stands I and II). Wooded grounds in more urbanized areas were located in a suburban district of the city of Rzeszów and included two following sites: a cluster of trees and shrubs, and an urban park. The present study covered four growing seasons (2009-2012). Entomological catches were carried out using baited pitfall traps. At each site, four traps were placed and emptied on average every two weeks. A total of 4282 carrion beetles were found, which were classified to 13 species. In the wooded areas with lower urbanization pressure, a higher number of individuals was caught (2907 exx.) than in the urban areas. These sites were also found to have higher values of the Shannon species diversity index (H’ln) and the Pielou evenness index (J’). Species preferring open areas and fields were also found to occur in greater numbers.

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