Biogeography of the genus Notiophilus Dumeril, 1806 (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

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Arvids Barševskis

In the article the outline of biogeography of world fauna of the genus Notiophilus Dumeril, 1806 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) is given. 57 species of the genus Notiophilus Dum. are known in the world. 47 species of this genus can be distributed in Palearctic, 16 species in Nearctic, but 2 species in the Neotropical region. The largest diversity of the species of this genus and the biggest number of endemics occur in Asia - 41 species, 28 out of which can be distributed only in Asia (many are endemics to particular mountain massives or parts of them), but 13 occur outside Asia, both in Palearctic and some in Nearctic. In the article the central part of Asia is indicated as the hypothetical centre of origin and spread off of the species of this genus. Most likely the species reached Europe through the territory of the ancient Mediterranean region, from which they arrived in Northern Africa and Iceland, but they reached Northern America through Beringia. Chorotypes of sub-regional level, which most usually occupy small territories, are characteristic to the majority of the species of genus Notiophilus Dum. Only one species (N. aquaticus (L.)) has Holarctic distribution, one species (N. reitteri Spaeth) is spread transpalearctically in taiga zone, but two species (N. borealis Harold, N. semistriatus LeC.) occur in Beringia (north-eastern part of Palearctic and Nearctic) and Beringian - Nearctic chorotype is characteristic for them. Chorotypes of sub-regional level are characteristic for other species except of three species introduced in North America. Altogether 27 chorotypes were defined during the process of descripion of the genus Notiophilus.

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