Leaf-beetlesOulema septentrionis(Weise, 1880) andO. erichsonii(Suffrian, 1841) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Latvian fauna

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Andris Bukejs

Keywords : Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Oulema septentrionis, Oulema erichsonii, Latvia, aedeagus, flagellum.
In this paper faunal data on two leaf-beetles species, O. septentrionis (Weise, 1880) and O.erichsonii (Suffrian, 1841), are presented. O. septentrionis (Weise, 1880) is reported from Latvia first time. The figures of the aedeagus with flagellum of these species and general information on their distribution and ecology are given.

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