The first record of Cupedidae (Coleoptera: Archostemata) from Eocene Rovno amber:Cupes groehni Kirejtshuk, 2005 examined using X-ray microtomography

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Andris Bukejs
Vitalii Alekseev
Kristaps Kairišs

Keywords : palaeocoleopterology, reticulated beetles, Cenozoic, Paleogene, fossil resin, X-ray, micro-CT.
Archostematan species Cupes groehni Kirejtshuk, 2005 is recorded from Upper Eocene Rovno amber. It is the first record of the family Cupedidae from this Lagerstätte and the ninth coleopteran species common to Baltic and Rovno ambers. Specimen is examined and illustrated using X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT).

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