Non-target beetles trapped inIps typographus L. pheromone traps

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Vytautas  Tamutis
Paulius  Zolubas

Keywords : Pheromone traps, beetles, species composition
Analyzing insects collected from 20 cross-barrier pheromone baited spruce bark beetle traps, located in clearcuts incentral and southern part of Lithuania during May-June 1999, total 1887 beetle species were identified (827 specimen, exluding Ips typographus).Most abundant among those were representatives of Staphylinidae (25 species, 87 beetles), Carabidae (22 species, 65 beetles),Elateridae (20 species, 181 beetles), Cerambycidae (13 species, 72 specimen) and Scolytidae (13 species, 134 beetles).13 species in Lithuania were reported for the first time:Rugilus scutellatus Mots. (Staphylinidae),Odontogethes hebes Er.,Meligethes bidens Brist. (Nitidulidae),Atomaria diluta Er.,A. affinis Sahlb.,A. umbrina Gyll.,A. turgida Er. (Cryptophagidae),Corticaria foveola Beck. (Lathriidae),Tribolium madens Charp. (Tenebrionidae),Pogonocherus hispidulus Pili. (Cerambycidae),Xyleborus cryptographus Ratz.,Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratz.,Ernoporus tiliae Panz. (Scolytidae).

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