New and little-known species of ground - beetles of the subgenus Melanius Bon of genus Pterostichus Bon. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Palearctic region

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Igor Solodovnikov

Keywords : Carabideae, Pterostichus Bon., Melanius Bon., new species, P. kozlovi sp. n., P. [seudorhaeticus sp. n., P. michailovi Wrase spec. dist., P. nigrita karnoldii ssp. n., Palearctic
After revision of types and other material the taxonomic status of some Carabid was to changed.New status: P. michailovi Wrase spec. distr., non ssp. ad P. gracilis (Dej). Described:P. kozlovi sp. n. (Chine), P. pseudorhaeticus sp. n. (Eastern Sayan, Transbaicalia),P. nigrita karnoldii ssp. n. (Tian-Shan, Fergana Valley). The key for determinationof species of subgenus Melanius Bon. is composed.

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