Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the seasonally flooded meadows in the valley of the middle (course of the) Warta - qualitative analysis

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Paweł Sienkiewicz

Keywords : Carabidae, seasonally flooded meadows, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Warta
The study presents a qualitative analysis of Carabidae groups, collected in 1999-2001 on seasonally flooded meadows in the valley of (the middle course of the) Warta river. It covers seminatural meadows as well as those cultivated to various extent. The research resulted in collecting 14 530 specimens of ground beetles belonging to as many as 106 species (about 20% of Poland's fauna). They include some rare and endangered species: C. clathratus L., Blethisa multipunctata (L.), Bembidion gilvipes (Sturm), Pterostichus chamaeleon (Motsch.), Amara fulvipes (Aud.-Serv.), Zabrus tenebrioides (Goeze), Licinus depressus (Payk.), Stenolophus mixtus (Herbst), St. skirmshiranus Steph., Trichocellus placidus (Gyll.), Platynus longiventris (Mann.), Agonum dolens (Shalb.), Oodes helopioides (Fabr.). The area covered by the research has turned out to be a valuable part of Polish Lowland.

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