Abundance and composition of coprophagous Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in the developmental cycle of pine stands in Człuchów Forest (NW Poland)

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Adam Byk

Keywords : Coprophagous, Scarabaeidae, Aphodius, community structure, pine stands, Poland
The aim of the study was to gain knowledge about changes in abundance and species composition of Scarabaeidae in pine stands. Beetles were collected in baited traps in Człuchów Forest, Pomeranian Lake District (Lasy Człuchowskie, Pojezierze Pomorskie) in 1998-1999. In total, 18,207 specimens were collected, representing 36 species. It has been discovered that the structure of coprophagous Scarabaeidae communities inhabiting pine stands changes in the course of the forest developmental cycle. Brownfield adjoining to a forest, clear-cut areas and plantations are inhabited by heliophilous communities of coprophagous Scarabaeidae, with dominant species such as Aphodius fimetarius, A. coenosus, A. distinctus, A. prodromus, Onthophagus nuchicornis and O. fracticornis. Thicket stage, pole timber stage, and the mature stand are inhabited by umbrophilous coprophagous Scarabaeidae communities characteristic of pine stands, with dominant species such as Aphodius rufipes, A. fimetarius, A. depressus, A. fasciatus and Onthophagus fracticornis. At thicket stage both the number of species and abundance of coprophagous Scarabaeidae are dramatically reduced in comparison to other developmental stages. Moreover, a fundamental change in species composition is observed.

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