Ancyrophora gracilis LEGER, 1892 andActinocephalus permagnus Wellmer, 1910 (Eugregarinorida: Apicomplexa) in natural populations of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) - hosts preferences, intensity and seasonal dynamic

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Paweł Sienkiewicz
Jerzy Lipa
Tomasz Skalski

Keywords : eugregarines, ground beetles, Carabidae, Ancyrophora gracilis, Actinocephalus permagnus, intensity, seasonal dynamic
The study compares the parameters of parasitizing ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) by two gregarine species (Eugregarinorida: Apicomplexa): Ancyrophora gracilis LEGER, 1892 and Actinocephalus permagnus WELLMER. An analysis of parasite intensity in relation to body size and habitat, seasonal dynamic was conducted. The studies aimed to recognize the host specificity, intensity and dynamic of host parasitizing by eugregarines in natural conditions. The relationships between the intensity of parasitism and host characteristics as well as seasonal variation of Ancyrophora gracilis and Actinocephalus permagnus were analyzed using generalized linear models with Poisson distribution and log link-function. The density of Ancyrophora gracilis and Actinocephalus permagnus is highly species and host body size dependent. Actinocephalus permagnus is more likely densely appearing in the woodland meanwhile Ancyrophora gracilis have no significant division between woodland and meadow. Both species have significantly reduced density in the arable fields. The seasonal variation of both parasites were related to seasonal fluctuations of their hosts. We assumed that intensity of both parasites is highly host density dependent and reflects habitat and seasonal preferences of the hosts.

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