Dicentrus mehlisp. n. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) implies close trophic association between Opsimini andCalocedrus, dating the Baltic amber back to the Early Oligocene

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Francesco Vitali
Anders Daamgard

A new fossil cerambycid from Baltic amber, Dicentrus mehli sp. n. (Cerambycinae, Opsimini) is described and compared to extant congeners. This species is characterised by larger eyes, narrower inter-ocular space and shorter pedicle and, possibly, uniform colouring. This discovery allows confirming and pointing out the assumed hypotheses concerning the evolution of the Opsimini. In particular, the assumed association with fossil Calocedrus implies to dating the Baltic amber back to the Early Oligocene. Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, fossil, Baltic amber, new species.

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