Studies on genusRhyparus Westwood, 1845 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) with description of two new species from Southeast Asia

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Łukasz Minkina
Alexander Anichtchenko

Keywords : new species, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiinae, Rhyparini, Malaysia, Indonesia.
Description of two new species from genus Rhyparus Westwood, 1845: R. merkli sp. nov. from Malaysia and R. jakli sp. nov. from Indonesia are given. R. merkli sp. nov. seems to be most closely related to R. denticollis Fairmaire, 1893 and R. mindanaoensis Anichtchenko, Minkina, Vasiljeva & Medina, 2021. R. jakli sp. nov. seems to be most closely related to R. verrucosus Schmidt, 1916. Additional distributional data to R. denticollis and R. verrucosus are given. Short discussion about one taxonomic and nomenclature problem of R. denticollis is given. Photographies of R. dentiollis and R. verrucosus are given in literature for the first time.

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