A new species of the genusCaenorhinus Thomson, 1859 (Coleoptera, Rhynchitidae) from South India

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Andrei Legalov

Keywords : Curculionoidea, Rhynchitinae, Deporaini, Flavodeporaus, new species, India, Western Ghats.
A new species, Caenorhinus (Flavodeporaus) ghatensis Legalov, sp. nov. from Karnataka (India) is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to Caenorhinus inclinatus (Voss, 1938) but differs in the pronotum without wrinkling, antennomere 8 much longer than wide, and larger body sizes. It is distinguish from Caenorhinus malabarensis (Voss, 1957) in the pronotum of equal length and width, forehead wider than base of the rostrum, quite wide intervals of elytra, and antennomere 8 much longer than wide.

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